Friday, January 04, 2008


This year along with the usuals.. lose weight, exercise more, eat healthier, spend more quiet time daily with God, be a better wife, be a better mother,etc. I am going to try to Live Without Regrets.

It has probably been three years at least since this little list appeared in one of our church bulletins. I loved it so much that I cut it out and saved it. It had a special place on the fridge until Emily was born and pictures of her took over to serve as a daily reminder to me of just how big and how much our God can do. The list moved over to the desk and got lost in a shuffle of papers until I found it a few days ago and realized I had found my New Year's Resolution. It's a big task but I think if we could all live like this we would find our lives so full and so rich in all the ways that matter. So check out my resolutions for 2008 and join me in living a life without regret!

Wise Ways To Live Without Regrets - Author Unknown

* Give God "first place" in your life.
* Watch a sunrise at least once a week...maybe I'll let Wayne just
tell me about them since he sees them everyday and I'm still asleep everyday!
* Be the first to say, "Hello".
* Live beneath your means.
* Treat everyone like you want to be treated.
* Never give up on anyone - they can change.
* Forget the Joneses! (Not Greg and Sarah Jones of course!)
* Never deprive someone of hope. It may be all they have.
* Pray not for "things", but for wisdom and
* Be tough minded but tenderhearted.
* Be kinder than necessary.
* Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel
* "Keep" your promises!
* Learn to show cheerfulness, even when you don't feel like it.
Remember that overnight success usually takes about fifteen
* Leave everything better than you found it.
* Remember that winners "do" what losers don't want to
* When you arrive at your job in the morning, let the first thing you say
brighten everyone's day. Easy for me, I sing a cheesy little
song to my girls when they first wake for the day... but I don't recommend you
sing my cheesey song to your co-workers, they might think you're odd.
* Don't "rain" on other people's parades!
* And Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.

So all my bloggie faithful, I hope that I will be better to you in 2008 and encourage and brighten your days but most of all I hope I show you how special each and every one of you are to me. It was not by mere chance that God brought you to me. There is a reason, a blessing, a friendship, a love!

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Robyn Kitchings said...

Love you too Sam!

scrappinmia said...

Good resolution! One that should be easy for you to keep. I think you already do most of these things without even realizing it. Well, maybe with the exception of the sunrise one, but couldn't a sunset count instead?

Here's to a wonderful 2008! This is going to be a great year...I just have a feeling. ;)

Sarah J. said...

I agree, Sam... I think you do most these things already! You are always such an encouragement to me!! (And thanks separating us from all the other "Joneses"!).

Love you,