Thursday, January 17, 2008

As Promised...

As promised yesterday in one of my posts I have pictures of Emily's latest attempt to eat baby food. We started with something new this morning... bananas which went very bad... too thick and creamy???... so it was back to the good ol pears. I'll let the pictures explain our fun times! These are just some of the looks and expressions I get while trying to feed her... it's very hard to be all serious and not laugh when Kari (speech therapist)is here working with her! For obvious reasons we strip down to the diaper and to save myself the trouble of soaking and washing a bib we went without one. Nothing but a bow... which came off too half way through!

And now we're done. Time to get cleaned up and Happy Again!

Pretty pitiful. I feel so bad for her that she just can't get it organized so she can start eating real food and cut back on some of these calorie filled formulas and medications, but she just cracks me up each and every time! The girl is hilarious!

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