Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another Day, Another Drama...

The super cute cake in my previous post was made by my sweet friend Robyn. It's so cute, covered with big chunky glass glitter... that's right GLASS glitter. I didn't know this when we had our little photo shoot and Emily gnawed on the 1...

So we spent the day after her birthday in the ER for x-rays and were told to bring her back if she "passed" blood. Of course everything involving Emily is drama, drama, drama and we had to make another trip to the doc this morning when I changed a lovely red diaper this morning. I thought for sure CPS would be waiting for me when I arrived but they said not to worry, this mishap didn't even put me close to first place in the stupidest mom category. Hopefully feeding my child crushed glass will be the stupidest thing I ever do as a mother.

Emily is fine and all is well. With the exception that it is pouring down rain and I am out of diapers and formula... why can't there be a diaper drive-thru somewhere?!?! Seriously! Emily is spending the afternoon in a Dora Pull-Up until Daddy makes a diaper run on his way home from work. FYI... Pull-Ups aren't ideal for a baby under the 18-34 lb. recommendation... It's been an exhausting week so far, and it's only Tuesday!

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