So things were going pretty good around our house. Emily seemed to be recuperated from her stomach virus and trip to the ER last week. We were slowly but surely starting to introduce her to the world around her trying to get out of the house a bit more... we even made it to our first life group get together on Sunday night. But as luck/fate would have it things turned around quickly and we were reminded again how unpredictable and down right scary life with a preemie can be.
Emily has had some issues lately with spitting up pretty bad and Monday morning started as just that. I had my appointment with the endocrinologist for my thyroid biopsies and Wayne watched the kids, Emily slept the whole time but started getting sick again later that night. Around midnight she choked on her vomit and had an apnec spell... really scary! In a matter of seconds she wasn't breathing and started turning purple. I was hysterical and worthless as all the CPR training went out the window. Luckily Wayne was there to save the day. He scooped Emily up and headed for the fire station down the street, pinching her foot every few seconds to get her to cry and breathe. An ambulance ride, chest x-rays, and several hour observation later we were back home exhausted but thankful things turned out like they did and not sooo much worse. Wayne saved the day again this time with his quick thinking!
In all the hysteria I managed to call my parents, I guess you never outgrow the need for your mama's love in a scary situation, and my parents are now here for a little visit... probably just so they could see with their own eyes that little Emily is indeed alright. Our follow up with Dr. Nail has Emily on medication for GERD (apparently another common thing for preemies with long NICU stays). Hopefully we can get the reflux under control so this choking followed with apnea never happens again!
By the way... my biopsy results should be in later this week or early next. The doc doesn't think things are looking very good so pray, pray, pray that the results come back negative for cancer!