Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ms. Laura and Ms. Lisa would be so proud!

Boy have we gotten some rain lately... Thunderstorms so loud that Emily just walked around the house with her fingers in her ears because the "under" was so loud.. I know I should correct her, but it's just so cute to hear her talk about "under" and "R-nados".. not cute that we were under tornado watches, but you know...

Between rain downpours Lila would like to go outside and float a little plastic boat down the gutter... it was like a speed boat it went so fast down the street! That is when she discovered the worms. Yuck! There were earthworms everywhere and she took it upon herself to save as many of them from the floods as she could.

They learned about worms in preschool during "W" week. She is a lot like her Momma, except when it comes to bugs, worms, snakes, anything that is creepy and crawly.. and squirmy... and squishy... Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!

Anyway, she created her own mini preschool (just one little sister in the class) and tried to get Em to explore the worms like she did in school. She was insistent that it would help Emily learn her letters! Too funny! Like the true bug lover that she is, she insisted that we do the right thing and let them go after our lesson (no complaints from me on this one), but wanted her picture taken first so she could take it to school next week to show Ms. Laura and Ms. Lisa. She still doesn't understand that school is over for the entire summer. I tried again to explain it, and she came up with a better plan...She is gonna save stuff like this all summer long and then send her pictures and treasures in a box next year when Emily starts school! Have I mentioned how much she adores her teachers?!? We all miss them already!

Silly girl with a plate of this point worms had scooted off the plate, were in her lap, on her legs, and a few down on the floor..YUCK!!

The worms she put in my flower pots were her favorites and she thought this would be a good spot for her new 'pets' so they could welcome people when they come to our house....??? Notice Em's fingers in her ears...

Adios Amigos!

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