Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Katherine Seanne!

Happy Birthday Katie!
I hope that your third year was your best so far and that you will have many, many happy more to come! You are such a special little girl with a very sweet spirit and a tender heart.

You are beautiful from the inside out.

You are so smart and always impress me with the Bible verses you have memorized and the knowledge in general that you have at such a young age.

Wherever you are there is laughter. You have a special quality that draws people to you and makes them want to stick around for more.

You are definitely a show stopper with your silly, witty personality. You put a smile on every face!

Everyone that knows you loves you and your infectious cheery attitude about everything in life.

You are an amazing little girl and I love you so very much! I know that God has big things planned for your future and I am eager to see your life unfold and all the lives you will touch with your sweet spirit!

You are a joy to be around and I love spending time with you. I am so very proud of the little lady you have become. You have a very special place in my heart and I look forward to a lifetime of precious memories yet to be made!
Happy Birthday Sweet Kate! I love you to the moon and back!

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