Friday, July 11, 2008

Rooney and Doodle...

I grabbed the camera and just observed the girls for about ten minutes. Here's the result...

Wrestling (thanks Daddy)...


Silly Faces...


And Standing...

Excuse the absence of clothes. We are in the final stages of potty training and frankly my washing machine and I feel the less clothes the better. Emily joins in just for fun and easier diaper changes! Don't worry, this 'rule' applies to two and under! I love you Rooney and Doodle! You are so fun to be around!

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Russamoto said...

I am love, love, loving all of your latest posts. I cvan't wait to see those two cuties up close...and you too, of course! Tell Wayne happy birthday!

Russamoto said...

Please excuse the typo! It's not like I am an English teacher or anything. Oh, wait. I am.

JB said...

clothes are so overrated! it makes for more laundry!!! :)

love the pics!